Andy helps clinicians complete an OASIS in under 15 minutes

Andy helps clinicians complete an OASIS in under 15 minutes

Andy helps clinicians complete an OASIS in under 15 minutes

Improve charting accuracy, boost productivity, and end clinician burnout.

See our demo

Finally, an AI scribe for home health.

✓ Designed with 4.5 star agencies

✓ Trained on 10,000+ charts

Delighting clinicians daily

The simplest app for clinicians.

See our demo

Easy to use

If you can make a phone call, you can use Andy.

Speak naturally

Conduct the visit exactly as you normally would

Review in your EHR

Andy generates an OASIS directly in your EHR.

Superhuman accuracy.

See our demo

Capture every detail

Andy is in the patient's home, and remembers 24% more data than a typical clinician.

Document their entire history

Using medical records, Andy is able to find 45% more conditions compared to a clinician.

Trained in OASIS

Andy understands that M1800's ask what is safe for the patient, not what they're doing today.

Clinicians can use Andy with most EHRs

Independent agencies thrive with Andy.

1hr+ saved
per chart

Accurately document the most complex patients in under 15 minutes

1hr+ saved per chart

Accurately document the most complex patients in under 15 minutes

On time documentation

Clinicians get their OASIS done on time when it only takes a few minutes.

2x as many SOC's

With charting out of the way, clinicians request twice as many starts-of-care visits.

Higher quality & margins

Get paid up to 14% more for the care you're already providing.

The future of home health is here.

See our demo

© Andy AI, Inc. 2024

380 Alabama St

San Francisco, CA 94110

(415) 213-2803